Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Joys of Motherhood: Potty Training!

Yes, its that time for my two year old. And if it wasn't already the thing I was most dreading it is now. Not only do I have my daughter to cohoarse into using the toilet but I also watch 2 more two year olds during the day that I am also trying to convince "the potty is fun"!
I always hated hearing people say "potty" and told myself my kids would never say that! Well she doesn't. She says poop. All the time! Just recently we were at a restaurant enjoying dinner (I use that word loosely, does anyone ever enjoy a dinner when two infants are screaming the whole time.) None the less, We're enjoying being out of the house and Nataly starts telling every one, " I poopin' Mommy, I poopin'." That's when I decided "Potty" would be an okay word to use at least for the first couple years.
Yesterday was a semi successful day for my mission. I bribed them with M&M's. They each went twice, but I think they had it all planned. They were wearing me down. After the theatrical of taking each of them twice Ben had a blow out (aka bad diaper). I carelessly left the M&M's on the counter in the kitchen with the lid only 1/2 on. By the time I returned to the kitchen Nataly and Jude had pushed chairs to the counter, were standing on them and throwing M&M's to Emma with one hand and eating handfuls at a time with their other. Needless to say I am out of M&M's and they didn't use the potty again.
I'm on a mission today! They will be potty trained by this time next week!!! hopefully

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